Everyone is welcome here at Heath United Reformed Church, Halifax
Heath United Reformed Church
Our vision is to know, love, live and share Jesus for a better world
Our Minister
What do we believe?
Who is the United Reformed Church?
Churches in the Halifax Group
General Data Protection Policy
Find us
Prayer & Worship
Worship Times
What to Expect
Prayers and reflections
Praying as a family
Prayer requests
Heath Lives – our magazine
Life and Mission
Parish Nursing
Heath Community
Thursday Club
Eco Church
Community Garden
Scouts, Cubs, Beavers
Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals
Children and Young people
Using the Premises
Table of activities & user groups
Hire Agreements
Heath URC policies
Compliance certificates
Maintenance and Safety
Contact us
Heath URC Agreement for one off hire 1117
Heath United Reformed Church
Our vision is to know, love, live and share Jesus for a better world
Everyone is welcome here at Heath United Reformed Church, Halifax
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