Parish Nursing

We are very sorry to say that our Parish Nurse has moved on after over 4 years of amazing service to older people in the local community. All those who have met Dawn will wish to join us in wishing her the very best for the future.

The good news is that this means there is an opportunity for a new, part time  Parish Nurse. If you, or someone you know, is an experienced Christian nurse and  think this part time post (8 hours per week + an additional 8 per month) might suit, please download Heath Parish Nursing Service Application Pack 


What is Parish Nursing?                                                                                                                

Parish Nursing seeks to provide whole-person healthcare through a local church community.

Based on Christ’s teaching and ministry, Parish Nurses provide support for the physical, mental, social and spiritual health of individuals and aim to improve the lives of people in the UK by ministering health and wholeness.

Registered nurses work from their churches offering individuals and communities personal health advice, advocacy support, health education, offer support groups, and helping people integrate their faith and their health.

The Parish Nursing Service is available to people of all faiths and none.

The Parish Nursing Service at Heath focuses particularly on older people.

Quality assurance of Heath’s Parish Nursing Service

Parish Nursing Ministries UK    

Parish Nurses are supported by a national charity, Parish Nursing Ministries UK.

The organisation offers Parish Nurses support by providing local opportunities to meet, study days, and ensuring that professional frameworks are in place.

All nurses are regulated by the Nursing and Midwifery Council and work under a Code of Practice. If you would like to know more about this then please ask your Parish Nurse.

One aspect of this code is of confidentiality. Anything you tell your Parish Nurse will be kept private, unless you are being harmed, or are harming someone else. With your consent any written information the Parish Nurse holds about you will be kept  securely within the terms of the church’s privacy policy which can be viewed  here

The details the Parish Nurse holds  about your care will not be shared with anyone or used for any other purpose without your consent.

To know more about this health and wholeness ministry from local churches in the UK go to: no: 1111680, no: 5451295, 26 North St. Peterborough PE1 2RA

If you have any concerns about the work of your Parish Nurse or about data protection you can speak in confidence to Heath Church Secretary, Jane Simmons on 07748 988161 or via the contact form at

For safeguarding concerns contact Anne Boyd on 07497 087878. See

You may ask for visits with/from the  Parish Nurse to end at any time.